University Hill Farms Green Transformation

PROJECT TYPE: Hardscape, Softscape
STATUS: Completed
PROJECT OVERVIEW: Situated on a mature lot surrounded by towering oaks, our clients were driven to create a more sustainable landscape. Our design team went to work, drafting a plan featuring native plantings, permeable paving, and rain gardens. The project involved careful coordination with our arborcare partners to ensure the safety of the mature trees. The permeable driveway featuring a combination of Unilock Treo and Eco-Priora pavers is surrounded by a dense matrix of native plantings. Storm water from downspouts is routed to two rain gardens, including plant combinations and Native Vegetated Mat from Agrecol Nurseries. Also included in the concept is a garbage bin corral, raised edible planters and stair systems to the backyard featuring Belgards Landings Steps, Unilock Estate Wall retaining and Unilock Eco-Priora paver permeable walkways.